City of Los Angeles Septic System Regulations

The City of Los Angeles is moving toward regulation of septic systems, known as OWTS (onsite wastewater treatment systems).  Or the 12,000 OWTS within the city boundaries, approximately 190 are on properties defined as “high risk”.  These high risk properties are named such because of their close proximity to underground water or wells which may be subject to pollution if a septic system is not functioning properly.

An ordinance regulating septic systems will soon be before the LA City Council.  It will require all property owners with OWTS to register their systems (Once passed this ordinance will not go into effect for another year).  Those properties defined as “high risk” will be required to have their systems inspected annually.  Other properties will be allowed to self-certify that their systems are working properly.

Important disclosure information for a prospective buyer to know:

  • The property is served by sewer or by OWTS
  • If served by OWTS, whether the property is defined as “high risk”
For a list of those properties, please access the following website:  Click on “Sewer and Septic” then “Septic Systems” then scroll down to “list of High Risk OWTS.